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Tax Moves to Make Before You File Last Minute

Tax Moves to Make Before You File Last Minute

Filing income taxes and experiencing an unexpected negative outcome can be a very bad life event. As we approach the end of the year and draw nearer to income tax season many people may grow weary, and it gets so bad for some that they will not even file their taxes. ...
Tax Considerations When Starting a Business

Tax Considerations When Starting a Business

Many people have an interest in starting a business of their own, but do not investigate the tax considerations when starting a business. Starting a business can be a great thing unless all things are considered it could also be a massive headache. Imagine having a...
401K Versus IRA

401K Versus IRA

Choosing Between 401K and IRA for Your Future Most Americans will not be able to retire by the traditional retirement age of 65 even with an employer 401k plan or an IRA. Some plan on surviving solely off social security, but this was never meant to be a sustainable...
Businesses & the COVID Impact

Businesses & the COVID Impact

How to Rebuild Customer Trust After the Pandemic As all fifty states have braced for the COVID impact some struggling businesses have started the process of re-opening their doors. Entrepreneurs and workers who rely on self-employment income are struggling to stay...

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