Mastering the Basics of Bookkeeping As a new business owner, you will certainly have some responsibilities you won’t be able to avoid. One of those non-negotiable part of your business is producing financial statements. It can be overwhelming trying to master a topic...
Do you have spending leaks in your budget that make it seem like your paycheck disappears as soon as it is deposited? Those spending leaks can disrupt your budget since you may not be aware that they exist. It’s natural to ignore the small ‘leaks’ in...
How to Overcome the Fear of Spending Money and Enjoy Life There are times when we pinch pennies or even save to the extreme and then there are those that have developed a fear of spending their money. This fear is probably based off of a past experience when someone...
Did you know that credit card fraud was the most common type of identity theft in 2020? Scammers calling themselves the Social Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, collection agents, your boss, and many other powerful entities make countless phone...
Mastering Your Tax Preparation Process It is that time of year when we begin preparing for our taxes. If you’re preparing for your tax appointment only a few weeks in advance, you definitely have a problem! Here are my 5 quick tips for helping you prepare during the...