Don’t look to Shawn (not his real name) for any inspiration. Shawn has a BMW 5 series. His wife has an Audi A7. The lawn is perfectly manicured, and he spent over $30,000 on the nightscaping. I know how much he spent because he told me, I didn’t ask. Heck, I don’t...
Now is the time to plan your money goals for your future. Most young adults must learn to be financially independent in order to survive.Unfortunately, pursuing a college degree can lead to serious student loan debt. It is increasingly difficult to start a successful...
2020 RMD Recontribution Deadline! While you are not required to take a minimum distribution in 2020 due to the pandemic, some may have already done so. In case you weren’t aware, there is an option to put the money back into that same IRA or a new IRA and save tax...
Are you looking for other ways to make money or alternative ways to invest? We all have heard of the term passive income, but what does it really mean? In a nutshell, passive income is any income one earns without having to clock in hours. Here we will cover some...
Most Americans will not be able to retire by the traditional retirement age of 65 even with an employer 401k plan or an IRA. Some plan on surviving solely off social security, but this was never meant to be a sustainable amount of income. The point of social security...