In an era of credit cards, services that allow you to “buy now, pay later”, and access to loans at your fingertips, it is easy to indulge in lifestyle you can’t necessarily afford on your budget. Before your fall too deep down the rabbit hole – or if you may already...
Are you bringing in a bonus this year? Fantastic! You should be proud of your hard work. I teach my three kids the same fundamental principle every week. Hard work pays off. It’s completely ingrained in them now. From anywhere in the house if I yell out “Hard work!” I...
Do you have spending leaks in your budget that make it seem like your paycheck disappears as soon as it is deposited? Those spending leaks can disrupt your budget since you may not be aware that they exist. It’s natural to ignore the small ‘leaks’ in...
Are you in the market for buying a home? Recently, my husband and I decided to start looking for our first home. Of course, we initially thought about the fun things we want to do with our new home, such as decorating and making sure there is room for our dogs. What...
Getting ready for the Family Trip It is that time of year when school is out and families pack up and start taking adventures. Before you take on the open road ask yourself, ‘Is there a way that I can travel smarter?’ When I was a kid, my parents would...