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What to Look for When Selecting a Credit Card

What to Look for When Selecting a Credit Card

Americans are taught the dangers of credit cards from an early age. Young adults are often warned about ballooning debt, extreme interest rates, and lifelong consequences. Even if a debtor passes away, the burden will fall on their relatives. U.S. banks are currently...
How Do Tax Brackets Work?

How Do Tax Brackets Work?

There are actually two ways to look at your tax bracket. One is called your marginal tax bracket, and one is your effective tax bracket. Marginal Tax Bracket Your marginal tax bracket is the thing that is most common knowledge. They were recently changed in the newest...
To Roth or Not to Roth, That is the Question

To Roth or Not to Roth, That is the Question

IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. There are two primary types, Traditional IRA and Roth IRA. In this post I’m going to give you the basic information you need to help determine which type is best for you to contribute to annually. Employee Retirement...
What is credit and how do I get it?

What is credit and how do I get it?

Credit scores are so important to U.S. citizens, yet 14% of the population is “credit invisible”. This means they have never received a line of credit or borrowed money in the past seven years. While most people aren’t interested in working towards a perfect score of...

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