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Estimated Pricing



This fee estimator is not a quote. It is only to provide a rough estimate based on your prior year’s tax return information. We include many common forms in our base price including: Schedule EIC, Schedule J, Schedule L, Schedule M, Schedule R, Schedule SE, Forms 843, 926, 1045, 1310, 2106, 2120, 2210, 2350, 2439, 2441, 2848, 3115, 3468, 3800, 4136, 4167, 4255, 4506, 4852, 4868, 4952, 4970, 4972, 5329, 5471, 5884, 6198, 6478, 6781, 8082, 8275, 8275, 8282, 8332, 8332, 8453, 8582, 8586, 8594, 8611, 8615, 8621, 8689, 8697, 8801, 8812, 8815, 8820, 8821, 8822, 8826, 8828, 8830, 8833, 8844, 8845, 8846, 8847, 8850, 8853, 8859, 8862, 8863, 8864, 8867, 8874, 8874, 8878, 8879, 8880, 8881, 8882, 8885, 8886, 8888, 8889, 8891, 8896, 8900, 8903, 8906, 8907, 8908, 8909, 8910, 8911, 8912, 8917, 8919, 8923, 8930, 8941, 8948, 8949, and 8965.

Tax Fee Estimator for Individual Returns

Find your prior year’s tax return and input the number of Forms and Schedules to get a rough estimate of what your tax return may cost to prepare. Call us at 281-440-6279 with any questions.

1040 US Individual Tax Return
State Tax Return(s)
Schedule E Rental Properties
Schedule C Profit & Loss
Additional Forms & Schedules

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