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Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.
We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help educate you on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, we discuss how to build wealth and keep it with a special guest – Zac Majors with Centric Advisors.
Important Points:
Thoughts on the current market and tax changes
Early career investing – best tips and common mistakes
Later stage investing – trying to catch up
Comfort Zone:
- What is better – Roth or traditional?
- Should I contribute to a 401(k) or Brokerage account?
- What makes a good financial advisor?
- How do I avoid taxes on highly appreciated stock?
- Insights into how the 2021 Biden changes will change the market
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