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Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.
Our job is to help educate you on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, we discuss Social Security and Medicare with our special guest, Peter Huynh who is the VP of Operations for Trusted Benefits Group.
Important Points:
Is Social Security taxable?
At what age do I not need to file a tax return?
Do costs for Medicare increase as you make more money?
IRMAA – Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount
Can you appeal to reduce the amount you pay for Medicare?
What are common questions and misnomers with Medicare?
How do late enrollment penalties work with Medicare?
What are the 4 D’s of Medicare? Dollars, Drugs, Doctors, Deadlines
Comfort Zone:
What are the different types of Medicare? Type A, B, C and D
What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
How do you contact Peter Huynh? (346) 704-5840 or peter@trustedbenefitsgroup.com
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