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Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.
We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help educate you on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, tax deadlines, penalties and extensions.
Important Points:
S Corp and Partnership tax deadlines March 15
Individual and Corporate tax deadlines April 15
Franchise deadline May 15
S Corp and Partnership tax extension deadline September 15
Individual and Corporate tax extension deadline October 15
Required Minimum Distribution deadline December 31
Estimated tax payments to be made on a quarterly basis
Consequences of missing deadlines
Late filing penalties
What does filing an extension mean
Benefits of being a timely tax filer
How to pay the IRS
How do installment agreements work?
What are the rules for claiming children after being divorced?
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