Stay Ahead of Law Changes & Protect Yourself Against Being Audited: Corporate Transparency Act and Reasonable Compensation

Terms & Conditions


Effective May 8, 2023, Molen & Associates will be charging $200 per appointment missed if the appointment is not cancelled or rescheduled prior to 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time. The charge will be in addition to the total cost of the tax return. At the time of scheduling an appointment, we will collect the credit card number that you plan to use to pay for your tax return. This information will be kept on a secure portal and the card will not be charged unless the appointment is missed.

To avoid a cancellation fee please let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule your tax appointment. We completely understand that sometimes life gets in the way.

Advanced Notice Cancellation

If you provide more than 24 hours advance notice of a schedule or appointment change, no penalty will be assessed.

24-Hours Notice Cancellation

If you cancel within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment, a $50 fee will be applied.  If you must cancel because of a conflict i.e., required appearance for court or death in family this fee may be waived but only with management approval.

No Call/No Show

If you do not show up for your appointment, with no attempt made to reschedule or cancel, a Non-Refundable fee of $200 will be charged.



In order to provide better service to you as well as a smooth and efficient tax preparation process, we kindly request the following items PRIOR to meeting with an advisor. Please note that we will not be able to prepare your tax return until the three following items are completed.

Questionnaire and Engagement Letter: Kindly complete and sign the provided questionnaire and engagement letter. These forms enable us to understand your individual tax needs better and ensure a comprehensive review of your return. To request these electronic documents, please obtain the document via this link.

Documents: Please submit all the necessary documents required for your return to the “Tax Info” folder within your secure document portal link sent directly to you via email or via this link. These documents are essential for accurately assessing your tax situation and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. For a list of documents needed, please see a list here. You can also review your client portal to see what documents were provided last year. **New clients are asked to submit your prior 2 years of returns along with all other necessary documents.

Deposit: A non-refundable deposit of $200 ($600 for businesses) is required to initiate the preparation of your tax return. This deposit will be applied towards the total cost of the return and the remaining balance will be collected at the time you discuss your return with your advisor. A link to pay your deposit will be sent to you via email as soon as you have submitted at least one of the items before mentioned.




When you’ve provided your tax advisor with all the relevant information necessary to complete your tax return, you can then expect to see a copy of the completed tax return for review in about 7 days. During this time, your advisor will review your documents and take a deeper dive into the deductions and tax credits to which you are entitled. A quality assurance specialist will also review the return to ensure accuracy of the data entry and process it through our sophisticated tax software to review any possible red flags.

Once initial data entry is done, a tax advisor will reach out to you, based on the times you advised would be best, to contact you to go over your return. If we are unsuccessful in speaking with you during this call, an outreach will e made to schedule a time that works best with your schedule. Generally, this consultation with your advisor will take up to 30 minutes. In-person, virtual, and phone appointments are available.



If your tax advisor still requires additional information to complete your tax return, he or she will provide you with a list of missing items which you must provide before we can finalize the tax return. The list of missing items may be forwarded to Molen & Associates through our secure portal, email, fax, or US Mail. At this point, your tax return remains in a pending status until we receive all missing items. When all missing items have been provided then you can expect a 7 day turnaround for the completed tax return for review and completion.


We accept payment via credit card, cash, and check. Because everyone has a unique tax situation, the amount will vary for each person and is based on the forms and complexity of the tax return. Even if we do not file your tax return, there will be a cost associated with most appointments.


The completed return will be sent to you using the deliver method that is most convenient for you (US Mail, Portal, In-Office Pickup, or E-signature, also know as Docusign). When the return has been reviewed and you are completely satisfied with it then you will sign the eFile document form 8879.


The eFile document form 8879 will require your signature(s). Please sign this and return to us at your earliest convenience. This completed form MUST be provided to Molen & Associates to allow us to transmit your tax return electronically to the IRS.



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